Risk Analysis


Risk analysis on design, construction and operation of Operating Theatres

In addition to good training, organisation, and discipline of the medical and technical staff, scrupulous attention to hygiene calls for the hospital and its facilities to be designed and constructed accordingly.

The measurement and control system shall ensure that all parameters relevant for operation (e.g., flow rates, temperatures, temperature differences, relative humidity, pressure conditions) are maintained constant in accordance with the task assigned, even with changing operating conditions.

Before starting the planning phase of an OR renovation (or even building a new operating department) it is a prerequisite to determine the current situation by making an over-all inventory. It is therefore recommended to perform a risk analysis under consideration of the type of the operations to be carried out.

Tests and evaluation rules given in existing guidelines or standards apply to existing operating departments, installations and behavior of surgical team members.

'De Block Consultant' can broadly perform the following tasks for your organisation:

  • Examination, inventory and review on the spot.
  • Analysing history of maintenance.
  • Draft risk analysis and testing in accordance with (inter)national guidelines.
  • Qualifications, standard measurements, particle measurements and determination of the protective effect of the OR and the operating field.
  • Advise on adjustments of construction, HVAC systems, technical equipment and working processes/logistics, in accordance with the given improvement proposals.